Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Master the Sculputrist of the Being


You would certainly have heard the name of Italian sculptor Michelangelo. He used to visit a shop quiet often. At the back of this shop there was a huge piece of marble. For years it remained lying uselessly. One day while cleaning the shopkeeper decided to throw that piece of marble. When Michelangelo heard of this, he asked for that piece of marble. The shop owner felt grateful that at least someone wants that piece of marble. So he arranged to get that piece to Michelangelo’s home.

Few years went by, and then one day Michelangelo asked the shop owner to visit his place as he wanted to show him something. The shop owner went to see what Michelangelo wanted to show him.
It was a beautiful sculpture of Jesus and Mary. Jesus’ body when taken down from the cross lies on the lap of Mary. No one can imagine the beauty and splendor of this sculpture – Jesus lying with his head resting on Mary’s lap. Tears began to flow from the eyes of the shop owner. Michelangelo told him it was the same piece of useless marble behind his shop. The shop owner could not believe his eyes. He asked Michelangelo how he did that.

Do you know what Michelangelo told him?
The sculpture was in the piece of marble. But it was hidden. I could see. To you huge piece of marble was useless. All I did was chisel out the superfluous marble that was hiding the
beauty of the sculpture. This reply is that of a master.

Every master has to chisel out the superfluous in you. This is the meaning when Jesus says he has come with a sword. You cannot understand the words of masters in their dictionary meaning. You have to know the art of decoding the message of the masters.

Every master carries a sword. He wants to wake you. Master is your death as you are. And he is your resurrection as well. Such a person will appear to be an enemy. And your sleep is very old. Your sleep is not your ordinary sleep. That sleep contains your greed, lust, anger, attachment, love, hate, jealousy. The roots of these are deeper. Master has to be careful while waking you. He not only wakes you, instead he has to destroy all roots and old structures before something can be poured into you.



Thursday, March 24, 2011


Remember, a Buddha lives moment to moment. Like a majestic wave one day he appears on life’s ocean. With great joy and dance it comes up, with hope and dreams to touch the stars. Then the play begins and lasts for the moment, and then the wave disappears into the vastness of the ocean. It will come again, to have another day. Once again it will dance and then again it will be gone. So is God. It comes, disappears, comes again, and disappears. So is a Buddha-consciousness, or Krishna-Consciousness. Each moment it comes, acts, responds, and is gone. Again it comes and then it is gone. It is atomic.

Between two moments there is a gap. In that gap Buddha disappears. I say a word to you, and then I disappear in my silence. Then I say another word and I am there, and then again I disappear in my silence. When I dissolve in my silence I am no more physically. There is a subtle presence nameless, formless, and bodiless. Each time I respond to you and then I am no more. The response is again there and I am no more. Those intervals or those empty spaces keep one utterly fresh, because only death can keep you absolutely alive.

You die once, after sixty-seventy years. Naturally all these years you accumulate thoughts, emotions, conditioning as garbage. A Buddha, on the contrary dies every moment. No garbage is accumulated, and nothing is ever possessed. That is why Buddha Subhuti that to possess marks is to be a fraud, because possession is always of the past. Not to possess marks is to be a Buddha.

Just think of it - each moment arising, just like a breath. You breathe in, you breathe out. You breathe in again, you breathe out again. Each breath coming in is life and each breath going out is death. You are born with each incoming breath and then you die with each outgoing breath. Let each moment be a birth and a death. Then you will be new and fresh.