Chakras the secrets of Life’s
Most people are born through sex and die from the lowest
chakra, the sex center. There are seven chakras in the body from where life can
go out of the body. The last is on top of the head, and unless you are
enlightened life cannot go out from that chakra.
As you move more and more into the present, inside you
will come across seven lights. According to Hindu yoga there are seven
Chakras. Buddhist calls these phenomena
as seven lights, or seven lamps. As you become more and more detached from the
body, and possessions, and also you are not interested in desires, your energy
starts moving upwards. The same energy that is contained at the lowest center,
at the sex center begins to move upwards.
Indian music is more concerned with Sahasrar, the
thousand-petal or seventh chakra. Western music on the other hand is more
concerned with the sexual center, the Muladhar or the base center. When Western
music overpowers you, you will feel sexually aroused. On the other hand when
Indian music overpowers you, you will feel spiritually aroused and the process
of elevation begins.
Music is a very subtle meditation. The seven notes of
music are concerned with the seven chakras of the body and each chakra has its
own note. If you concentrate on that chakra, you will start hearing that note
arising within your body.
The second chakra has two notes, the third, has three. One
is important, the other two are just part of it but create a harmony. It goes
on becoming a greater harmony, rising higher with each chakra. On the seventh
chakra it is an orchestra. Each chakra has its own form, its own music, its own
taste, and its own smell. The deeper you move inside yourself, the more you
find the whole world, because if it is not within you, you cannot see it
without either. Something has to be within only then you will find the
reflection outside. Something is always needed to correspond.
All this so-called esoteric knowledge about chakras,
energy fields, kundalini, and astral bodies, is dangerous as knowledge. As
experience it is a totally different thing. Therefore never acquire it as
knowledge. If it is needed for your spiritual growth, it will come to you in
its right time, and then it will be an experience. And if you have an acquired
knowledge, borrowed knowledge, it is going to be a hindrance.
For example, Hindu yoga believes in seven chakras, Jain
scriptures mention nine chakras. And Buddhist scriptures say that there are
dozens of chakras. There are only the important ones which have been chosen by
different schools. They do not give any fixed number. Acquired knowledge will
always be confusing and you will not know how many chakras are there? And what
are you going to do with that knowledge, whether there are seven or nine or
dozens? Your knowledge is not going to help instead it can only hinder.
Energy fields, chakras and all esoteric things all are for
experience and not for knowledge. Therefore keep your mind clean of all
knowledge so that you do not expect anything. And when the experience happens,
you are ready to accept it.
It happens exactly like that. There are seven chakras but
they never exist in the same Places for all people. And there are experiences
but they never happen in the same way for two persons. In reality they happen
very differently.
So there is no need to know the physiology of the
kundalini. There is no need to know the chakras. Also there is no need to know
what happens finally because if you know it you will start hypnotizing
yourself, and by and by you will start getting into the ritual. You will create
a kind of dream around you. And when there are many people doing the same
thing, you tend to fall into the crowd-mind. And then you start swaying with
the crowd.
Once awareness has moved in the third eye and it starts
functioning, or becomes alive that is why Hindus call it a CHAKRA. CHAKRA means
a wheel. The wheel needs energy once the energy comes in, the wheel starts
moving. By ‘movement’ is meant that it starts functioning. Then a great
revolution happens in your being: immediately the lower heart bows down to the
higher heart.
The Muladhar chakra has to be relaxed and relaxed from
constipation and from diarrhea too. The Muladhar chakra has to function at the
optimum, one hundred percent, only then energy starts moving.
Energy is needed, and energy is always beautiful. If you
do not know how to use it, it becomes ugly and it goes on running astray. The
energy has to go higher. Sex is the lowest center of your being. But that is
not all. You have seven centers of your being. As the energy moves upwards, if
you know the key how to release it upwards, as it moves from one center to
another, you feel many stages of transformations.
When the energy comes to the heart chakra, you become so
full of love and for the first time you become embodiment of love.
When the energy comes to the third-eye center you become
consciousness, or awareness. When the energy comes to the last chakra,
Sahasrar, you blossom. The season of spring has arrived. Your tree of life has
come to a fulfillment: you become a Buddha. But the energy is the same.
Therefore do not condemn or suppress. The existential energy is to be
transformed. Be more understanding, alert only then will you be able to enter
in totality.
Each chakra has its own colors, so when you concentrate on
a certain chakra you will have certain colors in your dreams and visions. As
you move upwards the colors change. In fact in yoga psychology, a person’s
dreams, fantasies, and visions, can indicate where his energy is exactly.
Sometimes you are deluded by the body. And somehow, if you
manage to go beyond the body, you are deluded by the mind, which is more of a
deluder than anything else.
The first three chakras belong to the body. The next three
chakras belong to the mind. And the seventh chakra is beyond both body and
Ordinarily, the people who indulge remain in the first
three lower chakras. They hang there. Those first three chakras are MULADHAR,
SWADHISTAN and MANIPURA. These are earth-bound. They are earthly chakras, they
are attracted by gravitation force thus they are pulled downwards.
The next three chakras: ANAHATA, VISUDDHA and AJNA are
sky-bound. Gravitation does not affect them. They are under another law called
levitation. They are pulled upwards. These three consist of the mind. The body
is pulled downwards, mind is pulled upwards. But you are neither. You are the
seventh, which is neither body nor mind.
So the people who indulge live in the first three chakras.
And the people who repress the first three chakras start living in the next
three chakras. But they create a dream-world.
The center around which one’s life has revolved is the
center from where he will depart from this life. The place where he dwelt the
whole life will be the place from where he will depart. Therefore, a yogi can
leave from the agya chakra – or the third eye center, and a lover leaves from
his heart chakra. The life energy of an enlightened man would leave from the
Sahasrar, the seventh chakra his skull will break open as he departs from
When the energy moves upward you become more and more
silent. Silence is the by-product of energy moving upward and tension is the
by-product of energy moving downward.
You will be more and more in anxiety full of anger when
energy moves down. On the contrary you will be more and more silent, quiet,
calm and cool as energy moves upward and inward. And these words downward and
outward are synonymous, and inward and upward are synonymous.
And when you have become silent, that energy is moving
like a flood, it is passing through all the chakras, all the centers. And when
it passes through all the chakras, it cleanses them, purifies them, and makes
them dynamic, alive, and the flood goes upward, upward to the last chakra.
Sex is the first chakra, the first center, the lowest. Man
exists at the lowest. That is why we know life only at its minimum. When the
energy flows upward and reaches to the last chakra, to the SAHASRAR, energy is
at its maximum, life is at its maximum. Then you feel as if the whole cosmos
has become silent: not even a single sound is there. Everything becomes
absolutely silent when the energy comes to the last chakra.
You know the first chakra; it will be easy to understand
through that. When the energy comes to the sex center, you become absolutely
tense. The whole body is feverish. Your every cell is in a fever. Your
temperature goes high, blood pressure goes high, and breathing becomes
haphazard. Your whole body is in a temporary delirium - at the lowest.
At the last chakra the situation is totally different.
Your whole body becomes so cool, so silent, as if it has disappeared. You
cannot feel it. You have become bodiless. And when you are silent the whole
existence is silent because the existence is nothing but a mirror: it reflects
or mirrors you. In thousands and thousands of mirrors, it reflects you. When
you are silent the whole existence has become silent.
There are seven chakras, and the Anahata is – the heart
chakra just in the middle. Three chakras are below it, and three above it.
The three below are Muladhar, Swadhisthan and Manipur.
Those three belong to an extrovert personality. In the West, the majority lives
through those three chakras. And now in the East also, the majority is moving
towards the Western attitude of life. These three chakras are very easily
available. They have a certain given function and you need not work much on
Without them, life will become impossible. They are
survival measures, so nature has not given you a choice between them. From the
moment you are born, those three chakras start functioning. They go on
functioning until you die. The whole life is covered by those three chakras,
and the extrovert person never comes to know that there is anything higher than
these. Sex, money, power, prestige, respectability, name, and fame all belong
to those three chakras.
And the Center of all those chakras is sex. People seek
money in order to seek sex. People seek fame and power and prestige in order to
seek sex. Sex remains the center of the lower three chakras. Sex remains the
center of the extrovert personality. His whole mind revolves around sex.
Above the Anahata, the heart, there are three chakras:
Visudha, the fourth center, then Ajna, between the two eyes, the third eye
center. And Sahasrar, is the last center. It is the center of Samadhi, of
ultimate enfoldment.
Between these two is the heart center. Between the
introvert and the extrovert, is the heart that functions as a door. Heart is a
bridge. Just as sex is the center of the extrovert mind, prayer or meditation
is the center of the introvert mind. But to call it prayer is more relevant.
Between these two when a person is just in the middle, on the fourth chakra, at
the door love springs forth. Love is between sex and prayer.
When sex is somewhat purified, it becomes love. When love
is also purified, it becomes prayer. So it is the same energy, the sexual or
existential bio energy that goes into higher formations.
In the East people have tried to live an introvert life;
they have tried to live above the heart. But both are lopsided. The Western
extrovert mind and the Eastern introvert mind are both lopsided. To become a total
man, one needs the functioning of all seven centers. It is not a question of
choice. It is a question of being capable of living in all the centers without
any conflict. There is none that can create conflict. It is the mind it is we
who create the conflict.
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