Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Naqshbandi Sheikh Taoshobuddha

…So too my own existence has given me the authority to speak on any path or any master to speak on. I am the consciousness that contains all that has happened and all that is yet to happen in this cosmos. All Sheikhs are in me and I am in all Sheikhs. In fact I am cosmic. This alone gives me the authority to reflect all that is being reflected. It matters not if I am speaking a Buddha, or a Jesus, or a Mohammed. It is out of the compassion for the erring humanity that I simply overflow. My own being has given me the authority for such overflows.

Become silent and in silence

move towards non existence

and when you become non-existent,

you will be all praise!!


There is a life force or energy that flows through the matter envelopment. Under the law of evolution and the descent of light, a consciousness journeys through various stages in matter. When this consciousness manifests subjectively a new life is said to have been born. And when, at the end of the journey of consciousness through this mind and matter vehicle, life energy reaches to the realm of No Mind, it is SATORI – the first glimpse of that which is. Thus begins the journey into the realm of the BEYOND.

In the journey of consciousness this process continues without a break till eternity lasts. But because of ignorance and attachment you miss this solemn opportunity of TRANSCENDENCE. Be aware of this each finite moment of life. And be established in your BLISSFUL EXISTENCE — EVER SERENE AND TRANQUIL.

The matter decomposes but CONSCIOUSNESS that is, remains. NEVER TAKES BIRTH AND NEVER DIES! It always is.

During the recent few years, in the process of evolution, there prevailed a consciousness that envisioned truth only from one plane as partial and thus created some upheaval causing pain and suffering at various levels. It was essential so that existing impressions of past actions could be exhausted and each is put on the path of evolution.

Under these circumstances it became imperative for me, to look into the divine plan of such consciousness and the process of growth. Guided by my essential nature it was essential to observe my role under these circumstances. Certain decisions were made which will reveal themselves in the course of time. One important aspect was to start preparing to fold my works in the present manifestation. Not much time is ahead! And the wheel of time is moving too swiftly. It knows not place, person, or thing. It has been moving and shall go on forever without a break. As a result I have started detaching myself more and more from the world and its duality. This withdrawal is essential so that I can work from behind in my CAUSAL form. For this reason, all the writings that manifested from time to time need to be organized and presented to maintain its authenticity.

Through this issue I am bringing insight into the Sufi Path in India with particular reference to Hindu influence and the Naqshbandi Tariqat.

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